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    Dec 08, 2024

    The Best Christmas Presence

    The Best Christmas Presence

    Passage: John 1:1

    Speaker: Chip Dean

    Series: Before All Things

    Category: Christmas

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    The Best Christmas Presence

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    Presence > Presents 

    The Importance of JesusPresence in Eternity Past

    John 1:1 

    In the beginning was the Word,

    1 John 1:1

    That which was from the beginning

    was= ἦν

    John 1:14

    And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    and the Word was with Godand the Word was God.

    Genesis 1:1

    In the beginning, God…”

    Isaiah 9:6

    Jesus is everlasting.

    Micah 5:2

    Jesus is from the ancient of days.

    John 8:58

    Jesus said, I AM.

    John 17:5

    Jesus had glory before the world existed.

    Col 1:17

    Jesus is before all things.

    Revelation 1:8

    Jesus is the Alpha and Omega.

    Revelation 21:6

    Jesus is the beginning and the end.

    Revelation 22:13

    Jesus is the first and the last.

    Revelation 13:8

    the Lamb who was slaughtered before the world was made. (NLT)

    What difference does Jesuspresence in eternity-past make?

    1. It means Jesus is eternal God.
    2. It means you can trust Jesus.
    3. It means you can live with Jesus in eternity future.
    Because Jesus was present throughout all eternity past, you can trust Him with your present.
    Because Jesus was present throughout all eternity past, you can trust Him with your presence in eternity future.
    Use your past in someones present to change their eternity forever.