

You're Invited

You're invited to celebrate Easter with us, where hope, love, and new beginnings come to life! No matter where you’ve been or what you believe, you are welcome here. Come as you are and experience the joy and hope of Easter with us!




Find a day that works for you.

There's a lot on this coming Easter and we know you are on a busy schedule. We have a ton planned so hopefully one of these dates works for you.

Good Friday // April 18th
5:30pm in the Sanctuary
7:00pm in the CLC (Christian Life Center)
Easter Sunday // April 20th
9:30am in the Sanctuary
11:00am in the CLC (Christian Life Center)


For Students & Kids

Sunday, April 20th // for Babies - 5th Graders
9:30 & 11:00am in the Kids Building
Sunday, April 20th // for 6th-12th Graders
9:30am in the Student Room (CLC 225)



Invite a Friend

Download this image and use it to invite your family and friends!